Volunteer with Lotus House

Founded in 2004, Sundari Foundation, Inc. is a non-denominational nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of poor, disadvantaged and homeless women, youth and children by ensuring that they have the sanctuary, support, education and resources needed to heal, grow, and blossom into who they were truly meant to be. The first initiative of the Sundari Foundation was the establishment of the Lotus House Women’s Shelter in 2006 in the heart of Overtown to serve homeless women.

Utilizing an innovative, trauma-informed, holistic format, Lotus House provides shelter and multi-faceted, comprehensive supportive services, including access to medical and mental health care, parenting education, counseling and parent/child therapy, life skills and educational advancement, job readiness training, and a host of enrichment activities from art and acupuncture to yoga and meditation, offering alternative pathways to healing.

Learn more about Lotus House.

Lotus House Volunteering

Volunteer with Lotus House

Key To Giving Lotus House Volunteer